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Patron behavior in the Library

How patrons can assist in making the Library a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere for all.

Patron Behavior in the Library

The following is a list of actions and behaviors that will not be tolerated by the Litchfield  Public Library District. This list is illustrative only and is not to be considered all inclusive. Any patron discovered in engaging in such behavior will be deported from the Library immediately.

* engaging in any behavior or action that is illegal, by the laws of the state, city, or federal government

* entering the Library without shoes or shirt

* entering the Library on roller blades or roller skates

* vandalizing any Library facilities, equipment, materials, or property

* engaging in any behavior or action that tends to disturb other patrons ( loud talking, laughing, shouting, etc.)

* engaging in any behavior or action that tends to be disruptive to staff or patrons (repeatedly asking for items, asking for permission to use the telephone repeatedly, etc.)

* entering the Library if you have neglected your bodily hygiene so that it gives offense and constitutes a nuisance or danger to staff or patrons

* bring in any animals, other than service animals

* harassing any Library patron or staff member

* bringing into the Library any weapon of any type

* bringing into the Library any controlled substance (alcohol or drug) See also Appendix E

* Engaging in any abusive behavior (verbal or physical ) against patron or staff

Library Deportment

Failure to adhere to the Library Patron Behavior Policy may result in deportation for the Library.

Library patrons of all ages have a right to expect that the Library will be a quiet and safe environment for studying and reading. The Library enforces the following regulations, which are authorized by the Public Library Act, Sections 4-7, Chapter 81 of the Illinois Revised Statutes.

1) Any patron of age who is talking loudly enough to disturb other patrons, or is engaging in any activity which disturbs or harasses other patrons or staff, or is damaging Library materials or facilities, will be asked to display his library card or other identification and to desist from such activity immediately.

2) If following such a request the patron refuses to comply, or responds to the request in an abusive fashion, he will be required to leave Library premises immediately for the balance of the calendar day. If he fails to do so, the police will be summoned.

3) Upon a third offense, the patron may be required to surrender his library card or may be barred from the Library premises for a period not less than three months, or both.

4) Such instances involving minors will be reported in writing to parents or guardian.

5) Persons wishing to appeal such actions may do so by written request to the head librarian.

Unattended Children

The Library welcomes families and children of all ages. However, the parent and/or guardian is responsible for his/her children at all times. Library staff cannot assume responsibility for a child’s safety or behavior when they are unattended.

Unless at a Library sanctioned event, children under ten (10) years of age must be accompanied by an adult parent or guardian at all times. Children over the age of ten (10) years are left alone at the discretion of said parent/guardian, and the Library assumes no responsibility for children left unattended in the Library or the surrounding premises.

If an unattended child is being disruptive, is habitually left unattended for long period of time, or is deemed to be at risk of coming to harm (as in the case of a child being left unattended when the Library is ready to close), an effort will be made to locate the responsible parent or guardian. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached within one half hour (30 minutes), or if the parent / guardian has not responded within said one half hour (30 minutes), the police will be called to take the child until the parent can be reached.

At no time will a staff member take the child out of the building, or offer to escort the child home.

Smoking & Tobacco Usage

Smoking and the use of other tobacco products (chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, etc) and e cigarettes is prohibited inside the Library building and on Library property.

Food and Drink

No food or drinks are allowed in the Library’s main areas. On occasion, food and drink my be allowed in one of the meeting rooms for an event. Anyone bringing food or drinks into the building may be asked to leave the items at the circulation desk, or to leave the building until the item is consumed.

Public Rest Rooms

Public rest rooms are located across from the circulation desk. A family / unisex / gender neutral restroom is available in the children's library. 

Telephone Calls

The Library is a business and must reserve its telephone lines as such. Personal telephone calls must be kept to a minimum. No long distance calls will be made from Library telephones.

Patrons may receive calls at the Library for emergencies only. The Library should not be used as an office or gossip stand.

Cellular Phones

The use of cellular phones is prohibited in the Library. When entering the building, patrons should turn cell phone ringers off or on silent. If a call must be made or taken, patrons need to exit the building or use the front lobby until the conversation has been completed.

Lost & Found

Any item left by a patron of the Library shall be kept in a secure place within the Library. Any item within this area that is not claimed within six (6) months of its arrival there becomes property of the Library and will be disposed of as such.