About Us
The "new" library

The "new" library opened in February 2017. It is 100% handicapped accessible, with just under 12000 square feet of space divided into two large wings. The southern wing houses our adult materials, juvenile non-fiction materials, two private study rooms, a board room, the Jackson-Walker genealogy room, and several areas to sit, read, and relax.
The northern wing houses our children's library, as well as the Ross & Mary Lay Community Room, which can be rented out for private parties and business events.
The center of the building features the custom circulation desk, staff offices, and public restrooms.
We hope you enjoy our new facility.
Wondering about the Carnegie building?

The original 1904 Carnegie building is owned by the City of Litchfield. Currently, the city has no plans for the building that we are aware of. The building is currently closed.
Our facility has changed. Our mission has not.
The mission of the Litchfield Public Library District is to serve the informational, cultural, educational, and recreational needs of all Litchfield residents, regardless of age or educational background, by providing adequate materials in a pleasant and safe environment that is conducive to the learning experience.
The Library provides services to all residents living within the boundaries of the Litchfield Community Unit School District. Anyone who resides outside LCUSD#12 may purchase a non-resident card or use another current and valid Illinois public library card with our reciprocal borrower program. (See also Your Library Card)
The Library holds a collection of over 42,000 books, magazines, books on tape, DVDs, and more. We strive to have in stock the current best sellers in both adult and children's books.