Genealogy Materials
The Library's Jackson-Walker Genealogy Room is located on the second floor of the Library.
Named for long-time library board member David A. Jackson and former librarian Nadine Walker, the Jackson-Walker Genealogy Room is filled with local history and genealogy materials.
The room is locked for security reasons, and patrons must be over 18 or have a parent / guardian present with them in order to access the room.
To obtain a key to the room, patrons must sign in at the main desk. For security, no briefcases, purses, bags, coats, or cases will be allowed in the Jackson-Walker Room. These items may be left in the librarian's office.
The genealogy room is not staffed on a daily basis. If you think you may need assistance in beginning research, please contact us ahead of time so we can be sure to meet your needs.
Contents of the room includes cemetery listings, local county and town histories, city directories and plat books, family histories, church histories, and many other useful genealogy tools.
The room holds several computers and a copy machine. Copies made in the Jackson-Walker room are on an "on your honor" system: please pay for any copies you made when you turn in your key at the circulation desk. Donations are always appreciated as well!